Ok so I promised more and here it is....
This is my dad's blanket that I made for him for christmas (it's only slightly late :0) It is a lap blanket for him to take to the Canandaigua Academy football games. He hasn't gotten it yet but hopefully he likes it.
And this is a square that I designed. I plan to eventually make a princess, wizard and unicorn one so that I can make a whole midevil blanket but that has been put on hold.
On top of that I am working on a blanket for my hubby that I promised him 6 years ago when I first learned how to crochet.
OHHHH and I got my S'n'B Happy Hooker last night! I know I am kinda late but I never think to look for it when I am at the book store. And later this evening I am going to go around the the yarn stores and cross my fingers that one of them needs part time help.....this is my dream job. Maybe working in a yarn shop will help control my addiction for yarn, but I doubt it.
Ok well thanks for reading! Love you all!